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Covert Coins
This is a great product that is easy to use and blends in well with a stack of similar coins.

It’s a really cool piece of memorabilia, but that’s about all it’s useful for unless you’re living in the Cold War doing microdots/microfilm to pass a covert message or something. It’s too thin to conceal a microSD card and still close properly as the photo suggests, which is slightly disappointing but I should have expected that since a quarter is about the same thickness as a microSD. I wanted to put all my personal documents on a microSD and just store it in an innocuous looking quarter but I didn’t really think about how thin a quarter actually is. That’s on me though. The product itself is very well made and is virtually indistinguishable from a “real” quarter without close inspection.

Covert Coins
Bought two covert coins. I have to say they are pretty cool. Even my teenage son liked them. Highly recommend them to any spy collector.
Good product, price, and speed of delivery! What more could you ask for?

Australian 20c Covert Coin
The delivery from the USA to Australia was amazingly fast! The quality of the coin is very detailed and indistinguishable from a real coin. I am very happy with this purchase, and the bonus USSR Rouble note is a very nice touch!